The enemy of gut-conscious girlfriends everywhere, the epitome of what “fat” is to what appears to be all of humankind, the enemy of the state, of the people, and what makes the people. Everywhere you go, it seems that the one thing everybody seems to agree on is that carbs are a big No-No when it comes to dieting; well almost everyone. Besides the no-carb diets, there are the low carb diets and the high carb diets (well there’s also the SCD or Specific Carbohydrate Diet but we’ll get into that a little later, stay tuned!). In the eyes of the health-conscious and internet-mongers, the amount of information on carbohydrates is oversaturated and sadly mostly nonsensical. Most people believe that carbs are just unwanted, sugars that just magically turn into fat. That seems to be the typical concept, the quintessential prototype everybody seems to have in their head. But what they don’t realize is how carbohydrates are a necessary component of everyday functioning. You need carbohydrates to get by, to keep your metabolic state up.

Carb cycling is a diet that implements a rotational system in which you alternate the days in which you eat low, moderate, and high amounts of carbohydrates. Low carb diets are nothing more than just short, quick fixes. They take away your energy and are not sensical – you need carbs to function daily. High carb diets that speed up your metabolism but are not ideal for weight loss because there is not a big enough deficit for your body to cut down pounds. Carb cycling gives the body the fuel (carbs) to increase the metabolism and at the same time add a calorie deficit to beef up fat loss. Days are essentially split up in three: high carb day, low/moderate carb day, and no/low carb day. Basically the rule of thumb for most users is that they eat high carbs on tough training days and lower carbs on relaxing, slow days. This plan is coupled with six meals a day or five to seven meals a day. Try out this carb rotation diet and let  us know how it goes for you! Good luck and remember, stay positive!

And remember folks, we are not doctors nor registered dieticians, so please, consult with your doctor or primary care before taking our advice into action